Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Carl’s Story – Another example of God’s Amazing Grace

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Anyone who has served on a Kairos team has witnessed the impact that God’s grace has on both participants and team members.

Back in about 2010, whilst an inmate in a New South Wales prison, Carl was introduced to the Kairos Journey Program by a fellow inmate who was a Kairos graduate.

Moving forward to 2024, Carl ended up in a prison in South Australia. When he heard that Kairos was active in the prison, he straight away started attending the weekly Journey Program and the first question he asked the team was “When is the next Kairos being held?”

Well, God obviously recognised Carl’s hunger, because the next course was programmed for June 2024, and Carl was one of the first to apply.

Now this is where the story gets interesting.

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The Kairos course was on 11 – 14 June. Prison management told Carl he would be released on the 14th and despite his pleas to finish the course, he was released at 3.16pm, which coincided with a John 3.16 tattoo he had on his arm.

Carl was adamant that he wanted to finish the course, so the best thing Kairos could offer him was to join with the KM34 prayer support team at the base church in Murray Bridge, and what a treat that was for both Carl and the prayer team.

Fast forward to Sunday 30 June. Kairos Mobilong #34 (KM34) team member Paul was being baptised at his home church, Hills Baptist in Verdun, South Australia. Hills Baptist was also the home church of several KM34 team members. Several other KM34 team members were there to support Paul, as was Carl.  As Pastor Dave Shepherd was getting ready to baptise Paul, he invited anyone else who felt called to be baptised, would be welcomed.

Paul was duly baptised, and as he emerged from the water, Carl stepped forward and said he wanted to be baptised. Wow, the joy within the church community was palpable! Before he entered the water, Carl spoke movingly of how he had arrived at this point in his life, acknowledging how Kairos had brought him to this place. And as he emerged from the water he again spoke movingly about where he felt God leading him.

Rob Rodenburg
Kairos Inside Mobilong

With thanks to Carl and the Mobilong Regional Committee for permission to publish.



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