Returning after Four Years
Praise God that the Kairos Outside Hunter #27 Weekend went ahead with 8 Guests after a 4-year hiatus for our community due to Covid. The theme of the weekend was
Praise God that the Kairos Outside Hunter #27 Weekend went ahead with 8 Guests after a 4-year hiatus for our community due to Covid. The theme of the weekend was
Coraine Sopru – lead trainer Deni Harden Joan Comino Rebecca Kerton Jan Symes The team travel around running AKT workshops and visiting selected Regions to observe team formations and guest weekends
On the 4th – 6th August, 13 KO volunteers from Sydney, North Coast, New England, South East Queensland and Canberra attended an AKT workshop at the Golden Grove Conference Centre in Newtown.
On the 17th July, Vern Harvey, Sue Hodges and I travelled to Waterloo Studios in Sydney. We were each filmed for 15 minutes – being interviewed about Kairos and our three
The team meet on Monday morning each week. Updates are given by Vern as Chair and CEO and Deb as COO. The KSO part time staff of Bruce (Office Manager),
The Kairos Project Team meet every Tuesday morning at 9am to work through the development, testing and planning for our new Vega database, website and other projects.
The recent Wagga Wagga AKT – what a great gathering of the Kairos family! – there were 17 participants from 8 Regions: AMC (4), Dillwynia (1), Goulburn (1) John Morony
After a break of 5 years, KO Perth were able to run their 12th Guest Weekend on the 21st to 23rd July. The weekend was truly blessed and the 6 Guests were warmly