2025-07-01 Advanced Training for KO (AKT Perth) exact dates/location coming soon…. Advanced Training for KO (AKT Perth) exact dates/location coming soon…. 1 July Advanced Training for KO (AKT Perth) exact dates/location coming soon….
2025-07-01 Advanced Training for KO (AKT North-Qld) exact dates/location coming soon…. Advanced Training for KO (AKT North-Qld) exact dates/location coming soon…. 1 July Advanced Training for KO (AKT North-Qld) exact dates/location coming soon….
2025-07-18 Advanced Training for KI (AKT) Riverview Brisbane QLD Advanced Training for KI (AKT) Riverview Brisbane QLD 18 July - 20 July Advanced Training for KI (AKT) Riverview Brisbane QLD click Title above for more information . . Link to application form . . Questions to Ken: [email protected] . . Location: 29 Riverview Rd, Riverview 4303 . . (Alternate Entrance on Moggill Hill Rd near Corner of Endeavour & Moggill Ferry Roads)