Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Celebrating 30 Years 1995 – 2025

Kairos Inside Goulburn

About Us

Kairos runs two programs within the Goulburn Correctional Centre, a Short Course of four days once a year and an ongoing Journey program of 1-2 hours, fortnightly. Participation by new prospective members is via the yearly Short Course. We will be up to Kairos Short Course #25 in 2024.

The first Kairos Short Course was run in the Minimum Security section of Goulburn Correctional Centre in 1997. The first course consisted of 24 residents and 24 team. There was also a support team of up to 15 people. Early teams came predominantly from the Goulburn district (Goulburn, Yass, Gunning, Crookwell) and from Canberra. Following the Short Course, Journey Gatherings were held in the library inside the resident’s quarters, every Saturday morning.

Prior to 2009 Short Course teams resided and worked from Trinity Catholic College during school holidays. Trinity had a large commercial sized kitchen where all meals were cooked for Kairos participants and team.

team goulburn 24 september 2023

In 2009 Trinity became a non- residential college and that facility was no longer available to us. We were unable to find alternative facilities where we could prepare the meals for team and participants so the majority of meals are now purchased from commercial sources.

Following the opening of the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) in Canberra in 2008, many of the team from Canberra ceased attending Goulburn and instead started attending the AMC and formed a separate Regional Committee.

Short Courses now are restricted to 18 residents, up to 24 team and a support team of 6 to 10 people. Team members are drawn from the Goulburn district, Canberra and the Southern Highlands (Bowral, Moss Vale, Mittagong, Exeter, Bundanoon and Tahmoor).

Staffing availability has also meant that the ongoing Journey program is now held fortnightly on a Thursday and meets in the Visitor’s Centre in the Minimum-Security section of the Centre.

Donate to Goulburn Region

If you would like to donate directly to Goulburn Region, please click the donate button below to see our bank details.

Contact Us

To contact the Goulburn Regional Committee Executive, simply click on the names below and a secure email will be sent or use the contact form below:

Chair of the Regional Committee
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Kairos Inside Prayer Vigil

cross ceremony goulburn 24 approved

We encourage any Christians to join us in prayer for those to whom we share Jesus in the prison.  It is a wonderful thing for the inmates attending to see that so many people who do not even know them, are upholding them in prayer 24 hours a day during the week. Please add your name as many times as you wish.

Contact Goulburn Region

Please fill in your details below if you wish to know more or let us know about a donation. Thank you.

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If you would like to find out more about Kairos or to sign up to receive our email newsletter, please fill in your details below.