Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Celebrating 30 Years 1995 – 2025

Kairos Inside – Participant Testimony

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One of the biggest issues of being in green or being incarcerated is that you first feel worthless or of no value to anyone. 

The fact that high caliber people came week after week, month after month, to jail, to hang out with inmates, those of us who had failed to measure up to societies standards, had a profound impact on me and on others.  “Why do these people come?” I would be asked by inmates, “because these people are Christs ambassadors” I would answer them, sent by Him to remind us that we are not forgotten, that we are still greatly valued and so loved by our creator God that He has sent these people in week by week especially so that we could be restored through friendship and accepting His redemptive plan for our lives. 

They do this even though they know that sometimes they will travel all the way to the jail, get to the main gate and not be allowed in.  “Amazing” would be their response.



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