Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Kairos Prison Ministry Australia Facebook Page

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Have you seen the Kairos Facebook page?

We are currently (April 2024) posting information and stories about Kairos to help build Awareness.  Do you know someone who might like to find out more about Kairos?  A Christian who is looking to volunteer?  A women who has or had a loved one in prison?  It’s a great way to find out more then to come to the website to sign up to the newsletter, read this News page or to make contact to enquire about volunteering or being a Guest.

Have a look here – https://www.facebook.com/KairosPrisonMinistryAustralia

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More News And Updates

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Kairos Church Service

John Layton, Wayne Ulrich, David Livingstone, Glenn Maas, Pauline Turnbull, Maureen Bradley, Andy Turner, Dennis Grant, Keith Robbins. A team from the Kairos Mid North Coast Correctional Centre representing Kairos

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