Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Celebrating 30 Years 1995 – 2025

Our Team

Kairos Prison Ministry Australia is a volunteer based organisation with three part time paid employees in Kairos Support Office. All other work relies on a flow of volunteers into positions from Chair of the Board and directors through to the volunteers who run the programs.

Board of Directors

col stiller

Colin Stiller

deborah poulton kairos

Deborah Poulton

vern harvey kairos chair

Vern Harvey

Deputy Chair (Projects)
chris firbank kairos

Chris Firbank

Director / Treasurer
rob rodenburg kairos

Rob Rodenburg

sue hodges kairos

Sue Hodges

tony hoban

Tony Hoban

director photo neil miller

Neil Miller

hugo hopton

Hugo Hopton

paul bryden

Paul Bryden

sandra brame kairos

Sandra Brame

Company Secretary

Management Team

col stiller

Colin Stiller

vern harvey kairos chair

Vern Harvey

deborah poulton kairos

Deb Poulton

bruce bond kairos

Bruce Bond

sandra brame kairos

Sandra Brame

sarah giordano kairos

Sarah Giordano

keith robards kairos

Keith Robards

Kairos Support Office Staff

bruce bond kairos

Bruce Bond

Office Manager
sandra brame kairos

Sandra Brame

keith robards kairos

Keith Robards

Email Helpdesk
sarah giordano kairos

Sarah Giordano


State Chairpersons

jackie stoneman

Jackie Stoneman

Chair NSW State Council
joan comino headshot

Joan Comino

Chair QLD State Council
hugo hopton

Hugo Hopton

Chair SA State Council
rob rodenburg kairos

Rob Rodenburg

Chair WA State Council
rob rodenburg kairos

Rob Rodenburg

Chair VIC State Council

Get Involved

There are many ways to support Kairos


Partner with Kairos as a volunteer, a prayer partner or many other ways to help shine a light in the darkness.


As a registered not-for-profit charity, Kairos Prison Ministry Australia depends greatly on the generosity of friends like you.

Join Newsletter

If you would like to find out more about Kairos or to sign up to receive our email newsletter, please fill in your details below.