Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Celebrating 30 Years 1995 – 2025

Refinancing the Memory Bank

akt wagga wagga july 2023

The recent Wagga Wagga AKT – what a great gathering of the Kairos family! – there were 17 participants from 8 Regions:

AMC (4), Dillwynia (1), Goulburn (1) John Morony (1), Junee (1), Mannus (5), St Heliers (2) and Wolston (2).

Feedback from attendees was a timely reminder of how we learn from each other. Here are some of the comments:

“A totally good weekend of learning and sharing.”

“I appreciated feedback of ideas of all members here.”

“Enjoyed and received great benefit from discussing topics with other members at the course. Discussions were so important and hearing ideas from others about their methods of operations.”

“Useful – realised there were some things I had missed or forgotten. Inspired me to try a couple of new things or to try and introduce new ideas.”

“AKT was an invaluable experience to hear from other Regions on how they run their programs and fellowship together. A blessing to meet the wider Kairos family and be encouraged as we serve in this Ministry and our great God.”

Think about these things when you’re asked to attend an AKT.

A huge thank you to Bruce James and the team from Mannus Regional Committee for organising the venue and accommodation and to the Mannus and Junee Regional Committees for hosting the event.

Deb Poulton – COO
[email protected]



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