Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Advanced Kairos Training (AKT) Canberra

kairos training canberra team

From 16 to 17 March Kairos Outside Canberra hosted an AKT which was held in the meeting rooms at St Thomas the Apostle Parish centre in Kambah. Four members of the Canberra community were joined by 6 women from interstate.  The course was run by Coraine Sopru from South Australia and Deni Harden from New South Wales.  Ladies from Hunter, New England, Perth and the South Coast attended the course. Feedback was extremely positive with all participants valuing the chance to interact with women from other Regions. I was privileged to be able to spend time with all of these women and to serve them on kitchen team.The gathering was blessed by the Holy Spirit. It was pleasing to see the ladies attend the subsequent EZRA training sessions to build on the knowledge they gathered at the AKT course.

kairos training canberra dinner

Blessings and praise to our Lord Jesus.

Deb Poulton



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