Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Celebrating 30 Years 1995 – 2025

Kairos Returning to Forbes, Parkes, Orange and Bathurst

team in forbes

Recently, a team led by COO Deb Poulton visited the Forbes area to see how Kairos Outside can be relaunched in this area.  See comments from those who are excited to see Kairos back in this area and check back next month for the follow up story:

“Praise God, wonderful ladies and sisters in Christ ❤️ 👏 🙌

What I have witnessed today is incomprehensible, and no words can describe what God can do!

The Good Shepherd in John 10 and the One who instructed us to “Go!” in Matthew 28, He has done it again.”

“Are you here to resurrect Kairos?” Those are the words of Ivan, who served in 20 Kairos teams over 17 years ago.   Watching the video in the service today, he told the congregation, “This brings back memories.”

“Dear Ladies, this ministry belongs to God.  As we continue to pray for a KO leader for this year’s Guest weekend, let us not put Him in a box of our minds.  I think Forbes, Parkes, Orange, Bathurst “has been resurrected” and the presence of a resurrected Jesus was evident in the meeting with Baptist minister yesterday, the three services at Uniting, Anglican, Generosity today, and the continuing conversations with the Catholic Church and proposed Reunion plans in May. He is going to pleasantly surprise us!  Watch this space…. “

Isaiah 55:8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.   “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

May our hearts be filled with His joy, rejoicing, gladness and Thanksgiving 💕 🙏

Deb Poulton – COO.



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board members strategy february 2025

Board Strategy Meeting

Board members met together with our Company Secretary for a Board Strategy meeting 14 to 16 February 2025.  As the only face to face meeting of the Board members for

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