Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

“Now I have a Family”

team goulburn 24 september 2023

Kairos Goulburn #24 was held in Goulburn Correctional Centre from 29th August to 1st September 2023.  Eighteen men in green along with seventeen inside team volunteers and six outside team volunteers enjoyed and participated in the program.

Many of the men in green had already been attending the Kairos Journey program and so there was already a respectful relationship and some familiarity with Kairos right from the start.  It did not take very long before meaningful sharing started to happen within the group.  The team was thrilled to see the way in which the men enthusiastically participated and grew through the various experiences.  The praying by the men and the singing were encouraging to all.  As one inmate said “I never thought when I came to gaol, I’d be here amongst this group of men singing Christian Songs”.  One man made a decision to invite Christ in to his life and many others either strengthened their faith, rediscovered their faith or started on a journey to discovering a faith.

cross ceremony goulburn 24 approved

A thought echoed by many of the men at the closing ceremony was the fact that they now had a family, other men with whom they could journey and share the ups and downs of their lives.  A small number also said they were going to explore a way of continuing to meet together to be the church within the facility.  Yes, God showed up and changed lives during K24.

Many thanks to Wayne and the Goulburn team for the above report.

Deb Poulton – COO

Cross Ceremony image provided with the approval of GCC Media Unit



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