Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Returning after Four Years

hunter ko team

Praise God that the Kairos Outside Hunter #27 Weekend went ahead with 8 Guests after a 4-year hiatus for our community due to Covid.  The theme of the weekend was “Voice of the Shepherd” John 10:27-28.

The Closing ceremony was uplifting – 7 of the 8 Guests shared how the weekend was very special – life changing, the best weekend of their lives. One Guest had made a commitment to follow Jesus on the weekend. We were fortunate to have received a grant from the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the President spoke at the closing. Sue Hodges shared as a member of the National Board of KPMA and as Deputy Chair of the KPMA State Council. A good number of our community came to both Walking in Love and/or the Closing Ceremony.

The Guests participated well and seemed to really enjoy the weekend and all were keen to come the first reunion afternoon tea in October.

Thank you to Mary and the team of Kairos Volunteers at Hunter for the above update.

Deb Poulton – COO



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“Lo, I am always with you” Kairos Outside Perth welcomed 5 Guests into the community after the closing ceremony of KO Perth #13.  Image above of Leader Colleen with the

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