Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Tag: Kairos Outside (KO)

KO Perth Banner

“Lo, I am always with you” Kairos Outside Perth welcomed 5 Guests into the community after the closing ceremony of KO Perth #13.  Image above of Leader Colleen with the

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New Horizons – Murrumbateman

Exciting times as the Kairos Outside Canberra Committee met at Murrumbateman in the Yass Valley of NSW to make the booking for a Guest Weekend in November 2024.  The first

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Canberra Information Morning

The above pictures show some of the organisers and presenters at the Kairos information morning in Canberra on 4th November. Speakers at the gathering were Teresa from KO Canberra, Sue

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AKT at Wide Bay QLD

Twelve ladies joined us to participate in AKT training having travelled, in some cases, 6 hours to get there!  A wonderful faith filled group of women eager to learn and

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Returning after Four Years

Praise God that the Kairos Outside Hunter #27 Weekend went ahead with 8 Guests after a 4-year hiatus for our community due to Covid.  The theme of the weekend was

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Let’s Celebrate!

After a break of 5 years, KO Perth were able to run their 12th Guest Weekend on the 21st to 23rd July. The weekend was truly blessed and the 6 Guests were warmly

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